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3D modeling with 3D shutter glasses

pazur · 8 · 14753

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Offline pazur

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I think about getting a 3D ready 24" monitor (maybe this one: http://3dvision-blog.com/benq-also-with-a-120hz-3d-capable-led-gaming-monitor-the-xl2410t/) + 3D shutter glasses later.

Wouldn't it be cool to do 3D modeling in real 3D with 3D shutter glasses?

Not sure if Blender supports that or any other 3D creation application. Any thought or experience on that?

Offline kat

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We already model in 3D ;)

Seriously though, no, it's another consumer fad that'll be dead in 5 years because it'll be replaced with something else, likely holographic screens - they only waited this long with 3DTV because the tech had to be cheap enough for platform holders and manufacturers to make fat cash by telling people that watching movies needs more cowbell. For gaming that's ok, but for development I think all it really does is introduce more impediments, hurdles and hoops through which we have to jump to make content (and monetize what we can do).

Offline pazur

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This whole 3D thing somehow amazes me. My neighbor bought such 3D glasses about 10 years ago but we never found any game that really supported it. I remember we made some DirectX games work but the effect was very poor. http://www.stereo3d.com/revelator.htm ... ahead of it's time? Sega had this even earlier http://alexkidd.com/peripherals/segascope.html ... 20 years ago ;)

This 3D monitor from BenQ is really not expensive so I think I will go for it. My only concern is that you get head ache from these 3D shutter glasses.

Making content and monetizing it is really difficult in general. I noticed you started offering Blender PDFs as paid downloads. I think that's a great idea but what about placing ads in your free HTML content? Monetizing maps (map packs) or mods in general is really tough. Sure, 3D glasses or other technologies will add another layer of complexity to it.

Offline kat

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Yeah I remember 3D the first time around, quite clumsy iirc, people just weren't 'ready' for it back then. It's a relatively easy sell now because we're so technologically dependent these days, LCDs, TV, computers, consoles, PDAs, mobile phones, Pads, and all manner of 'interface' mechanisms. The headaches you mention do seem to be a legitimate concern from what I've been reading so it may just be a question of easing the brain into the medium slowly.

Regards adverts, in a word no because it's all about control, something you don't get when using services like Google Adwords and such like. Paid content downloads are certainly possible (mods etc), but there are a number of factors that would need to be looked into, including whether doing that would break the EULAs of the games being modded.

Offline pazur

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If you look at the DLC for the new Medal of Honor (that I bought recently) and see that 2 new maps and 2 improve old maps and a new game mode is 10$ you really start wondering about the value of it compared to mods. http://www.medalofhonor.com/dlc

I think I would pay for a custom map pack if it's really good. I remember there has been an awesome map pack for RtCW MP called SE (Second Edition) http://www.planetwolfenstein.com/rummie/sereadme/ ... I would pay for that if it's cheap enough (like 5$ for example). Of course only if the TC allow it... another thing would the be distribution + billing. Not sure if any of the big platforms like Steam allow that.

There are less and less games that allow modding. I read that the new Call of Duty Black Ops will get mod-tools but I think they are not out yet (I would love to do a map for this game :) )

Offline pazur

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BTW: Just found this video about the 3D monitor I want to get:


It's developed with the feedback of these two pro-games. Really cool.

Offline kat

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That was an interesting video, not for the product but for the way those two (don't) interact with each other. Anywho, that got me wondering what hardware developers use? Splash damage, etc.. do they have sponsorship deals or do they have to buy their own gear...

Offline pazur

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I'm not entirely sure but I think that they can get sponsored by Nvidia or AMD... you could clearly see that 2K Games from the Czech Republic got sponsored heavily by Nvidia when when doing Mafia II. They implemented the Nvidia-only PhysX for physics acceleration and then got bundled with the 4xxx graphics cards later (here my "angry" blog post about this deal: http://warczyk.wordpress.com/2010/08/25/mafia-ii-and-the-nvidia-deal/). I'm 100% sure they got some hardware + money in return.

In terms of sponsorship I think the Korean Starcraft players are the most advanced:



... also I just noticed the BenQ has only HDMI 1.3 and that won't do 3D on an AMD 6000 series card. You need 1.4a for AMD HD3D or a PS3. Not sure about Xbox 360 and what's needed there to get stereoscopic 3D.

good news though: Acer announced a monitor + 3D glasses with HDMI 1.4a support: http://3dvision-blog.com/acer-hs244hq-is-the-first-3d-monitor-with-hdmi-1-4a-stereo-3d-support/