I wanted export very simple walk-through from Blender 2.49b to DAE file. I have used the same commads as in your tutorial
http://www.katsbits.com/tutorials/blender/export-o3d-convert-collada-files.php only my path are different but simple as possible.
Thanks for nice welcome. Sorry to being rude and not saying any word at the beginning but I placed my post in morning works hours and actually forgot

Here is my dos results:
C:\converter>C:\converter\o3dConverter.exe --base-path=C:\converter
Usage: C:\converter\o3dConverter.exe [ options ] <infile.dae> [ <outfile> ]
Stops the converter from conditioning shaders.
Sets the path to remove from URIs of external files
--asset-paths=<comma separted list of paths>
Sets the paths for finding textures and other external
Converts the file to have this up axis.
Makes the exported JSON easier to read.
Stops the converter from forcing all texture samplers to use
tri-linear filtering.
Stops the converter from changing materials to <constant> if
they are used by a mesh that has no normals.
Use JSON for buffers, skins, curves instead of binary
Don't make a gzipped tar file, just flat files. Still takes
the name of an archive file; for archive.o3dtgz, creates
directory named archive/ and writes files inside.
Convert all DDS textures to PNGs. For cube map textures,
writes six separate PNGs with suffixes _posx, _negx, etc.
Convert shaders using an external tool.
Requires python on PATH.
--converter-tool=<filename> [default: C:\converter\convert.py]
Specifies the shader converter tool.