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O3D conversion problem

stico · 8 · 20425

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Offline stico

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I try to use o3dConverter.exe and I had followed your tutorial, set up all paths correctly, I made everything as simple as possible but all the time Converter instead converting dae file to o3dtgz, shows Converter usage?

Any idea what could cause it or how to get around this?


Offline kat

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What are the particulars of what you're doing? Blender version (assuming you're using that to export the DAE file), OS, what command/s did you use? What's the exact error message (copy/paste the command windows output here)?

Oh and welcome to KatsBits  ;D

[EDIT] moved the topic to it's own in the modeling section

Offline stico

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I wanted export very simple walk-through from Blender 2.49b to DAE file. I have used the same commads as in your tutorial http://www.katsbits.com/tutorials/blender/export-o3d-convert-collada-files.php only my path are different but simple as possible.

Thanks for nice welcome. Sorry to being rude and not saying any word at the beginning but I placed my post in morning works hours and actually forgot ;)

Here is my dos results:


C:\converter>C:\converter\o3dConverter.exe --base-path=C:\converter
Usage: C:\converter\o3dConverter.exe [ options ] <infile.dae> [ <outfile> ]
    Stops the converter from conditioning shaders.
    Sets the path to remove from URIs of external files
--asset-paths=<comma separted list of paths>
    Sets the paths for finding textures and other external
    Converts the file to have this up axis.
    Makes the exported JSON easier to read.
    Stops the converter from forcing all texture samplers to use
    tri-linear filtering.
    Stops the converter from changing materials to <constant> if
    they are used by a mesh that has no normals.
    Use JSON for buffers, skins, curves instead of binary
    Don't make a gzipped tar file, just flat files. Still takes
    the name of an archive file; for archive.o3dtgz, creates
    directory named archive/ and writes files inside.
    Convert all DDS textures to PNGs. For cube map textures,
    writes six separate PNGs with suffixes _posx, _negx, etc.
    Convert shaders using an external tool.
    Requires python on PATH.
--converter-tool=<filename> [default: C:\converter\convert.py]
    Specifies the shader converter tool.


Offline kat

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Do you have the DirectX SDK installed? I just re-read the readme file and there's mention in there that the SDK is required. If you've not got that in place download the DirectX SDK and try exporting again once installed (this reminds me.. I need to add a reference to this in the tutorial).

If you have and are still having issues there are a couple of things you might be able to try/check.

First is to make sure you're using "Collada 1.4" exporter.

Then double check the model itself to make sure it's 'prepped' properly for export, it needs to be triangulated; have a material, texture and image (using 'relative' paths); has a UVW map; mesh and armature are properly and vertex grouped (no missing verts); that the armature and the mesh both use the same origin point (the pink dots when objects are selected).

If you're getting an actual DAE exported from Blender without any problems then import that back in to a clean file to see if there are any issues with it - they'll show up when you do that.

What's you're BAT file command look like?

As for being rude, that hadn't even crossed my mind.. mind you posting before the morning coffee is never a good idea!! lol

You can post images to places like imageshack and then use the link they provide to post the image to a forum if you don't have a website or blog.

Offline stico

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Did you mean this to install?  http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=3021d52b-514e-41d3-ad02-438a3ba730ba

If yes, then I just downloaded, installed and repeated process again in cmd and in directX SDK cmd and I have the same message as before. Collada itself is fine.

My bat file looks like that:

C:\converter\o3dConverter.exe --base-path=C:\converter

Offline kat

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Try placing the bat file in the same folder as the exe and then changing the command to the following;

"o3dConverter.exe --base-path=C:\converter C:\converter\woda.dae"

Offline stico

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Perfect!!! Now is working!

I was searching recently in google and I find out something what might interest you.

You just shown the way how to convert files from *.collada to *.o3dtgz and this is good but here http://o3d.asyn.org/ you can download zipped file with scripts for Blender which lets you export straight forward form Blender to *.o3dtgz.

Well done, thanks.

Offline kat

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Good to see you got it fixed ;)

Yeah, I came across that when I was writing up the tutorial. I generally don't write about tools like that unless it's absolutely necessary because it doesn't teach people to understand the process... if you have O3D issues, having an actual collada file for example, means you can physically check the file independently of Blender to make sure it's fully functional and so on...