I made few changes to get your ASE exporter working on 2.57 RC2. I haven't tested with older versions like 2.56a but I think it should be fine. I'm not expert with Blender exporters and these modifications are for my own purposes. So feel free to use them in future versions or not.
Here are changes I made:
# line 22
bl_info = {
"name": "ASCII Scene Exporter",
"author": "Richard Bartlett",
"version": (0, 0, 5),
"blender": (2, 5, 7),
"api": 35622,
"location": "File > Export > ASCII Scene (.ase)",
"description": "Export ASCII Scene (.ase)",
"warning": "",
"wiki_url": "",
"tracker_url": "",
"category": "Import-Export"}
#line 437 ( line 427 before additions )
#Sets origin to 3d Cursor -- Transformations need this - Not sure how this behaves
bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type='ORIGIN_CURSOR', center='MEDIAN')
#line 495 I commented this out because it was annoying to me...
# This one needed to be changed. Should put warning dialog here though
# if os.path.exists(self.properties.filepath):
# print(self.properties.filepath + ' already exists. Aborting.')
# return {'CANCELLED'}
# line 524 Same as the lambda function but maybe easier to read
# I added .ase suffix to end because inserting it manually was tedious
def menu_func(self, context):
default_path = os.path.splitext(bpy.data.filepath)[0] + ".ase"
self.layout.operator(EXPORT_OT_asel.bl_idname, text="Ascii Scene Export (.ase)").filepath = default_path
#These ones needed the additions or otherwise script wouldn't had worked.
def register():
def unregister():
Keep up doing great work, your scripts have served well!