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Animation with Action Editor or Shape Key Editor?

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Offline appolon2

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I made an object with triggers commands (Left and Right) using it Action Editor and works!!!

I want to make an object with triggers commands, a command to enlarge the object (BIG), and a command to reduce (SMALL), and it doesn't work when we use it Action Editor (XAF File)

i tried with it Shepe Key Editor (Morph Animation) but in IMVU settings there is no choice (Replace) for the XPF Files. It's very simple and I didn't find the answer to the Tutorials

Offline kat

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Morphs are a bit fussy to work, even those made with 3DS Max. If the actions are set up correctly in IMVU it should play the morph animations when triggered. If that's not working try placing the morph sequence in a separate action; you'll have two actions, one for the XPF, the other for the XAF, both triggered using the same term.

Offline appolon2

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in order for both actions to work (FBX and XAF) I will need to give some command to Shape Keys? .Clamped-.Average-.Exclusive-Additive?

Offline kat

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We don't need to use those as the defaults work fine for IMVU (watch the video at about the 50 minute mark, it discusses Shape Keys).