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» 3D Modeling & Content Creation
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3D Modeling & Content Creation
RedMatch 2, Custom Player Outline & Papercraft Effect (skin)
Duke Nukem Forever 2001 leak Cannibal model format import/export for Blender
3D Modeling WIP Topic
Brutal and Punishingly Long Renders
Sculpting/modelling question(s)
[Unreal][U1] Exporting .T3D files from Blender to Unreal
Blender question: Moving objects in opposite direction
Blender Hotkeys & Shortcuts
Add drawing to grid
[Blender] Collada DAE models not importing - checklist
[ASE] problem exporting mesh for Radiant
Help with Kinect motion capture
How do you copy Objects between SCENES in Blender 2.49
pose library - problem with adding new poses
blender wip psy ambient trance music video project
Can't control my particle appearence in rendering
Why model in Quads and not Triangles
walking & programming foot falls
[solved] Searching for der_ton's md5 exporter for 3dsmax
Guest posting is OFF/DISABLED
Motion Capture
Copy Rotation feature will operate on only 2 of the 3 axes
Some Help with twisting.
Bsurfaces and Line conversion in Blender 2.6.9
Blender 2.68? New content creator for IMVU
MD5 export/import proposal Blender 2.64+
<hello guys> Advice on which flavour of Blender
Does MD5 have a size limit?
blender 2.66 rc1 display all edges?
blender 3d widget not always visible
bone parenting or constraint to a different mesh?
Help! Troublesome Vertex!
Mirroring a Weight Paint?
Mesh Flexing Problem
Help - Weight Paint Display has stopped working.
MD5 Export Issues
blender 2.64 color management
Physics, Editing, and Cutting questions (no luck with search fcn)
I need MD5 Import Blender 2.6
blender 2.6x vertex weights and bone envelopes?
[Req] MD5 tutorial step by step?
blender quaternion rotations or eulers?
blender 2.63 armature ghost display?
How do I add eyes to UniHuman?
blender armature or shape keys?
[Blender 2.63] issues, problems & changes
Block Primitives instead of Planes
MD5 + blender 2.62
How To import one blender drawing into another blender file???
[Blender 2.62] issues, problems and changes