Game Editing > 3D Modeling & Content Creation

3D Modeling WIP Topic

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ratty redemption:
good point, i'll do some tests. thanks kat.

ratty redemption:
kat, you were correct about the last lod, i was able to remove those details you mentioned and it looks fine at a distance. these images show 4 lod's per object with debugging colors. they save a ton of vertices.

ratty redemption:
a low poly wooden crate lid, built in blender, and shown on the right of the image, with its texture and some of its uv's shown on the left. currently all my crates are built using the same wood texture that i made in paintdotnet.

low poly wooden crates including closed, open, lid and lod versions.

ratty redemption:
wood and clay debris made in blender.

the wood meshes were originally from my old doom3 mod. i updated them recently and redid their uv's.

When doing something like that what I find useful is expending the UVs of those cross members so their edges align to the gaps in the wood slats, as those are typically darker doing that add a little bit of faux depth to those edges where they sit atop the face. Looks good notwithstanding that ;o)


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