I have been rigging a mesh subject with a control armature.
I have applied weight painted bone influences to this mesh, but now want to transfer this exact weight paint "map" over to the other side of my mesh (like left arm to right arm type situation, etc). Is there a way to copy the weight paint influence from one side and bones of a mesh to the other and mirror it? I've put so much work into the one side I can't go throught it again for the other.... (this is not a situation where I can just
cut my model in half and mirror & reweld the copys).
BTW, I have found that in some situations if I had Mirrored weight paint on as I was doing the original, I could copy that, rename it to the opposing bone, and then edit the two, erasing the other half, but I can't use that technique here.
It will be a HUGE job reproducing this map on the other side's limbs if I can't. Is there a way?
Weight paint mirror searches net me no results.