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SCAM WARNING: Illusion Mage, 3D Magix Pro, Mirage Wizard - do NOT buy

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Well, I feel very sad about this, because I am a 3ds max user and I have some videos posted into youtube and the last week I have received a private message from a youtube user, that ask me to publish a link into one of my video descriptions and he will pay me for this... at the begining this proposal doesn´t sounds extrange, because, he wasn´t the first one who said me this, but like the other people who ask me this, the first thing I ask him was, which kind of link or which kind of site he wants to publish... and the surprise... was this... the link redirect to Illusion Mage... and I must be honest. I didn´t know about this before, because I am not a Blender user, but I have some Blender knowledge, and I recognize some screenshots, so when I saw this site I feel that this software has something wrong... and that´s how I finished here... telling my story. Well, just to resume, I told the guy that I don´t want to be part of this scam and hope he never ask me again for something like this. Hope this  could help the Blender comunity and hope Blender take actions against people who want to gain money using others works.

P.S. I have send to him this link

P.S. My english isn´t the best but hope you guys understand what I said  ;)

Thanks for posting the info alzarac. Might be worth reporting the guy to YouTube if they have offending (IllusionMage/3DMagixPro) videos in his profile (otherwise YT will ignore it).


--- Quote from: kat on April 07, 2011, 08:04:11 PM ---According to one of many, many fake video reviews of Illusion Mage posted to YouTube (remove square brackets - http[:]//www[.]youtube[.].com/watch?v=dR2zgRLaEvI [1:12 mark]), "Seth" has had a lot of plastic surgery recently to change his appearance (see attachment), he'd make Nicolas Cage and John Travolta proud!.

[sarcasm]After notifying the FBI he was about to change his appearance he was told him to remain out of sight so people wouldn't make a connection to his previous appearance. However, his desire to gorge on his ill-gotten gains meant his not being able to resist showing 'his' smirking mug in yet more Illusion Mage videos[/sarcasm]

[EDIT]image removed at the request of the original Seth
--- End quote ---

I knew i saw this picture somewhere. I thought it was on facebook or something like that. But no. Here he is:
[redirected to post below]
Oh and yes. He's also on LinkedIn: [redirected to post below]

[EDIT] see post below & message from real Seth

That sir, is an excellent find!. If that is the Seth Avery, I wonder how well it would go down with the University that he's involved in (the author of) several scams past and present. I can hear the reasoning behind it now... "I just did it to raise funds for my degree and PhD, I didn't mean anything by it. Beside the license says I can". It could also be that the scammers came across this obscure web page and 'hijacked' the guys name and photo to lend credibility to the scam. Would need to look into this one.


--- Quote from: kat on July 22, 2011, 06:21:40 PM ---That sir, is an excellent find!. If that is the Seth Avery, I wonder how well it would go down with the University that he's involved in (the author of) several scams past and present. I can hear the reasoning behind it now... "I just did it to raise funds for my degree and PhD, I didn't mean anything by it. Beside the license says I can". It could also be that the scammers came across this obscure web page and 'hijacked' the guys name and photo to lend credibility to the scam. Would need to look into this one.

--- End quote ---
My gut feeling says it's the latter. If you google the name "Seth Avery" you'll find that the name is not that uncommon. Granted: it's not exactly like John Smith, but still there are quite a few Seth Averys floating around the net and on the social networks. Combined with the fact that 'our' "Seth Avery" uses a bogus photo which he grabbed from the internet my (completely unreliable) intuition tells me that the whole identity is fake and that neither the name nor any of the pictures fit.
Lets not forget: Ton Roosendaal assumed (and probably right) that Illusion Mage and 3DMagix are set up by the same  person or organisation. But the "creator" of 3D Magix calls himself Cody Landon.
For a bit of "fun": google pictures on the name of Cody Landon and make sure that all your safesearch settings are off. And I warn you: it's pretty shocking.


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