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» idTech Editing Hints & Tips
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idTech Editing Hints & Tips
[doom3.gpl] Change name of Doom3.exe
[doom3.gpl] Change doom3.exe program/shorcut icon
[doom3.gpl] Compiling Doom 3/idtech 4 source code
Useful shortcut and mouse controls for GtkRadiant
AttributeError: 'MeshTexturePoly' object has no attribute 'use_twoside'
Exporting *.bsp from 3DS Max
Scale models (mapobjects) in GtkRadiant
Error: map compile "Leak" but there is no 'leak'
wglMakeCurrent: setting Processor Affinity
What are 'Sparklies' and why do they happen
How to change a *.pk3 file name
wglmakecurrent: Deleting Config (*.cfg) files
Unable to find default tag file [path]/shadertags.xml. No tag support
wglMakeCurrent: GtkRadiant 1.5 errors
Export check list for game models
What is 'smoothing', what are 'smooth groups'
Quake Wars and applying Materials/Textures to ASE models
Load custom ASE models into Quake Wars EditWorld
Quake Wars and broken DDS images and textures
wglMakeCurrent: Quake 4 editor and multicore CPUs
Quake 4 Portal 'popping'
Texture 'normalisation' on Patch Meshes
Organising frequently used shaders
How to Import Brush Volumes into Max/Blender/Maya etc.
Switching to 3rd Person Perspective & other commands
Normal maps: texture space and orientation
Quake 4 "addon.conf" configuration file
Creating mapsize data for Quake 4 MP maps
r_lightdetaillevel [n]
WARNING: Couldn't load map file
Using 'inline' models
Models not loading into the D3/Q4 editor
idTech 4 & 'Overbright' lights
Normal map Rotation issues
Quake 4 MP collision problems
Quake 4 model rotation problem
Types of 'surface' in Quake 4
Custom DDS textures showing as 'black'
Creating Quake 4 levelshots and map list entries
Folder structure for MP level editing
Where are the Particle (editFX), Articulated Figures (editAFs) editors?
Using ASE models in Quake 4
Useful Quake 4 Console Commands
How to test MP maps in Quake 4
wglMakeCurrent: Anti-Aliasing and Radiant Editor
Starting the Quake 4 editor
Using GtkRadiant to make Basic Terrain
Opening/Accessing Condump log.txt
Convert old maps to Doom 3 or Quake 4