Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions for Paid-To-Place Content

The following Terms & Conditions govern the accommodation of Third-Party Pay-To-Place sponsored advertisements or other promotional content placement on this Website or associated Properties as defined under UK law. For more refer to the following information;

General Terms

  1. content

    1. Content is defined as any material that includes but is not limited to; commercial links, posts, articles, pictorials, images, advertisements or other paid placement material on this Website or associated Properties

      1. Content as defined is included on an non-exclusive, first-come first-served basis, unless otherwise agreed in writing beforehand.

      2. Content may not include materials in text or visuals that might construed as being something other than presented, or belonging to, or giving the impression of belonging to, 'Friends', 'Partners' et al, or otherwise interpreted as implying the presence of any type, or form, of relationship above and beyond that of a Paid Inclusion Content Agreement between Advertiser and Website.

      3. All Content is subject to Admin final approval.

        1. Subject to §1:1:3, as appropriate, where content is not approved by Admin, correction, modification and resubmission can be made.
      4. Admin reserves the Right to change, modify or alter Content for placement suitability, this may include, but is not limited to, changes to image format, scale and size, modifying or altering text or html et al.

      5. Content placement is subject to UK law.
    2. All Copy is accompanied by an 'label' so as to clearly declare or disclose intent, its purpose or function as being sponsored or otherwise placed paid inclusion. Labels may include but are not limited to; "Advertise", "Advertise with us", "Sponsored", "Sponsored Link" or other appropriate text.

      Compliance with this requirement is non-negotiable.

      1. Where Copy is provided by Advertiser and includes DECLARATION subject to §1:2, labeling shall be contextual in nature and not created, altered, edited, or in any way manipulated so as to unduly influence the effectiveness of placed copy, to mislead as to its function or legitimacy. Provided labels shall not imply any shape, form, or type of relationship presence other than described in this document or by agreement.

      2. Subject to §2 and §2.1 Admin reserves the right to change, modify or alter materials in compliance.

  2. Placement

    1. Individual articles, posts, pages or positioned placements: copy is subject to placement based on agreement - whether single or multiple served HTML pages, subject to availability either as fractional, partial or whole pages, or within available 'white-space' between content or within designated areas. Copy placed in such fashion may only appear on specified pages depending on where it is positioned and subject to agreement.

      1. Individually placed content may be subject to inclusion alongside other paid content that cannot be removed due to site mechanics or circumstance beyond Website ability to address.

    2. Site/Property-wide placement: copy appearing cross-Property (across an entire Property on multiple pages), may be hosted within an 'iframe' or 'include', with functionality defined within that context.

    3. Non-exclusive copy: content is placed whatever 'white space' is freely available, placed on a first come, first served basis. Upon occupation space may be renewed upon expiration or available.

      1. Where appropriate, non-exclusive copy may be placed alongside other independent third party providers, listed, displayed or shown as befits available space and positioning, subject to Admin discretion.

    4. Placement: Website reserves the right to place copy wherever and as appropriate, unless otherwise specifically agreed in writing.

    5. Hyperlinks: all hyperlinks, URL, image or other means of HREF or SRC linking between content, pages, sites or Properties, by default, carry a 'rel=nofollow' HTML tag unless otherwise agreed.

      1. At Admin discretion, subject to §2:5, 'dofollow' links are subject to approval and agreement.

      2. At Admin discretion and subject to §2:5 and §2:5:1, 'nofollow' links may be modified to 'dofollow' per Admin review and approval.

      3. All link are subject to Admin approval.

    6. Link-back Activity: in all instances Website offers no guaranties, promises, assurances, implied directly or indirectly, of reciprocal or beneficial activity of any kind or nature; Content is placed solely at Advertisers risk. Website nor Associates shall be liable for such activity or lack thereof.

    7. Indexing: in all instance no guaranty, promises, assurance or otherwise are offered with respect to Content indexing in or by any given Search Engine or Third-Party service, and is wholly at the discretion of individual Service or Provider subject to their respective Terms of Service; Content is included on this Website or associated Properties at the Advertisers own risk. Website nor Associates shall be liable for such activity or lack thereof.

    8. Social Media: in all instances Content inclusion on this Website or other Property shall not be construe to imply or indicate agreement of Content publication, in part or whole, to Third-Party Social Media or Media Services.

  3. Application

    1. The terms in this document are applicable to "exclusive" and "non-exclusive" Content, Copy, Links, Advertisements or any other form of agreed upon Paid Placement.

  4. Payment

    1. Payment shall be made as agreed within specified time, and/or of Content being placed 'live' and notification sent therein. Should payment not be made within the specified timeframe Content may be removed, revoked or hidden with possible forfeiture of placement, position and priority.

      1. In instances where failure to pay occurs, at Admin discretion, Content may be declined.
  5. Termination

    1. Provision of Service exists to the extent that is agreed upon in writing. Provision shall expire at such time as agreement upon duration or period has ended.

      1. Upon expiration of Service Provision, content shall be removed within 48 hours subject to further agreement or renewal of service.

      2. Subject to §4:1, where provision is automatically billed, should payment be due 48 hours after notification of payment due, content may be temporarily suspended, hidden or removed, otherwise occupied space then being placed on hold until payment is received in full.

      3. Subject to §5:2, should payment be outstanding 72 hours after billing or notification, agreement will be deemed terminated and Content removed.

        1. Termination or cancellation may invoke renewal at current rates.

    2. Terms outlined in this document apply subject to Website, Property or Service availability. If, for any reason, the applicable Properties becomes unavailable;

      1. All agreements shall be null and void with immediate affect.

      2. Website shall not be liable for losses potential, eventual or actual.

    3. In the event of Website, Property or Service unavailability;

      1. Website shall not be liable for losses potential, eventual or actual.
    4. Website shall not be liable for any losses incurred, monetary or otherwise, as a consequence of Service Provision losses for however long or for whatever reason.

    5. At Admin discretion, upon termination, Website shall not be obligated to provide reason for such action.

    6. Website reserves the right to Terminate any and all Agreements forthwith upon finding these Terms, or Agreement, violated.

      1. At Admin discretion and subject to §5:6, upon such Termination no liability for fees, refunds or other restorative remuneration shall be offered or provided.
  6. Cancellation & Refunds

    1. Upon Content being posted live, obligations pursuant agreement between Parties shall be considered fulfilled;

      1. Regardless of potential or actual circumstance.

      2. Time passed.
    2. Advertiser may cancel or terminate an existing or recurring Agreement with Website or Associated Properties in writing (email, text etc.), giving 14 days Notice of Intent to Cancel.

    3. Once cancellation request has been received, content will be removed within 24 hours and space otherwise occupied, filled or offered for use subject to;

      1. Rescinded cancellation requests being subject to additional agreement.

      2. Space otherwise occupied by cancelled Party being subject to availability.

    4. Subject to §6:1 Content placed under the auspices of a new or renewed Agreement, Cancellations should be made and received by the Website or Property Admin no later than 24 hours of Agreement or Content going live.

      1. After cancellation request has been received, associated materials will be removed with immediate effect and space otherwise occupied offered to occupancy which may then be subject to availability to the original occupier.

      2. Rescinded cancellation requests are subject to agreement where Advertisers wishes to reinstate Content removed.

      3. Upon Cancellation request and subject to §6:1 and §6:4, or at Admin discretion, refunds shall not be obligated or offered.

    5. Subject to §6:1, cancellation requests made after content has gone live shall be;

      1. Shall be at Admin discretion.

      2. Where granted, be subject to a Cancellation Fee.
    6. Website reserves the right to withhold payment in lieu of penalties and/or fees, including those associated with payment processing.

    7. Refunds may be subject to the deduction of transaction fees.

    8. In the event that, for any reason, Website or Properties becomes unavailable for any duration, temporarily or permanently, this shall have no effect on cancellations. Agreements will be considered fulfilled, in which case refunds, reimbursements or other compensatory payments shall not be issued.

    9. Website shall not be liable for losses incurred as a result of cancellations.

  7. E&OE

    1. Website makes no explicit guaranty of Service Provision or functionality, and shall not be liable in the event that such services are terminated, for whatever reason.

    2. Website reserves the Right to update, change, or in any other way, modify these Terms without notice and for any or no reason.

    3. E&OE.

For information regarding advertising rates on KatsBits and the availability of both exclusive and non-exclusive offers, get in touch via email to advertise@katsbits.com.

[last updated Q2 2021]
